2014 Annual Auction Gala - Night in Rio
The Auction Gala is the largest fundraiser of the year for Albert Einstein Academies. The 2014 Gala's fundraising goal is $70,000, which helps provide quality educational opportunities for our children. We need your help!
Please participate in this event by:
- Attending the event and participating in the auction
- Making a donation of goods or services to be auctioned at the gala
- Becoming a sponsor to help cover the costs of this event
Teacher Outings List
One of the favorite parts of the Gala is the live auction for teacher outings. The kids always love the outings!
Auction Items
Some auction items in the galary below. More will be updated as we get them!

If you are willing to make a donation of goods or services or would like to become a sponsor, please complete the form(s) below and return them with your donation by May 1st, 2014 to Friends of Albert Einstein Academies, 3035 Ash St., San Diego, CA. 92102 or email us at auction@foaea.org. We can also arrange to pick up yours donation.
Friends of AEA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization (Tax ID #26-1187327) allowing for contributions to be tax-deductible as a charitable donation. Friends of AEA's 501(c)(3) status can be found here.
Thank you for your generosity.
Volunteering for the Gala
If you would like to support or help plan the largest fundraiser for Friends of AEA please email one of the co-chairs. This event must raise 50% of the funds needed to provide the art, music and other enrichment programs. You can give as little or as much time as you like - we still need volunteers to help sell tickets before/after school, procure auction items, and setup/cleanup on the day of the event!
If you have any questions, you may find your answer(s) in our Frequently Asked Questions document by clicking here. If you have any further questions or concerns you may contact us, and select "Gala Auction" as the subject.
More questions? Please email the Auction Committee Chairs by clicking here.
Thank you again for your generosity and we look forward to seeing you at the Gala!
Rebecca Bennett, 2014 Auction Gala Co-Chair
Sandra Salzedo, 2014 Auction Gala Co-Chair
Date: Saturday, June 7th, 2014
Time: 5-9:30pm with dancing until 11pm
Location: Hahn University Center, University of San Diego campus (map)
$75/person before May 11th.
$90/person after May 11th.
$110/person at the door on the day of the event.
You may also sponsor a teacher or staff member for $75 per person.
To reserve a table for 8 (limited availability) add $100 to your total.

Platinum Sponsors