Visit our blog!
Typically, we pull weeds in one garden area while the kids play soccer or hide and seek.
To be on the garden email list, contact Terri. We need someone to add photos and info to our blog once in a while.
Every Tuesday (starting September 13th) in the lunch arbor we will sell Pretzels ($3 or 2/$5). The Farmer's Market will start towards the end of the month on Tuesdays also.
Nutrition Programs
Are you interested in creating a healthier environment at AEA for your children?
Join the Nutrition Committee
Tuesday, Sept 27th, 3pm (if you can't make this date, email your available days/times)
Meet at the Lunch Arbor
AEA has a mobile kitchen available for preparing and cooking in the classroom or outside including portable stoves and a blender. Sign up and rules available in the main office with Barbara. The wood-fired pizza oven is also available, but a time commitment of 6 hours is necessary to oversee the oven.
Email Terri for more information.